Hey, you're reading my first blog post. Good for you!
I made this blog, because, after a long time debating it, and not having anywhere to post ridicules pictures like this one (from an article on the future of advertising)... I decided it was time to make a place for all the crap I want people to see.
At the time I am writing this I am preparing to go into some of my first markets. My Dad's business is just starting to see more than a couple of interested prospects, and the direct mail campaign is about to begin. I haven't yet made any flow of money on the internet.
And there's two things I want to say right now, so people finding this post in years to come can realize a couple of things about me.
I KNOW, right now and always, that I will be a successful entrepreneur and a millionaire. I have no power on the internet, no one to help me, and statistically, a very small chance of making it. I just wanted you to know that without any prior knowledge, I knew it in advance. Sure, I have about 40 hours a day to put into this thing for about 2 more years (9 months down..), but it makes a difference when you're totally committed to something. I have dropped out of school until I am in a better position to complete my Bachelor's degree and am currently faking my attendance so my parents don't freak the fuck out.
If you want the power of knowing you can accomplish your goals, just read my number 1 rated book, Think and Grow Rich (if I haven't made it, DON'T READ THAT BOOK!)
And another thing - I have huge plans for what I will do in this world. I'm going to spread happiness and self-help with a program called Journeys. I want to help reform our fucked up school system (wikipedia = 3x learning you get from class). I want to be in the business of giving other people businesses. And my greatest goal - no my spirit - is to obtain as much steady happiness as I possibly can - one of the main ways I am going to do this is by spending my "working" life "working" on skill sets - like getting skills in the areas of attraction, relationships (affirmation), NLP (memory), and many others.
My theory on happiness is that what you have is totally irrelevant. It's what you do with what you have. If I had a house overlooking the beach but I only looked out on the view a few times a year, what would be the point of having the house? Wouldn't it actually end up making me feel kind of shitty (subconciously) for not using something I have? On the other hand, I could have a log. Just a stupid log. And I'd turn that thing into a whole fucking world.
My theory on philosophy is that there is some truth in everything. You can invent anything for yourself by digging through truths and connecting them for relevancy.
My theory on money is that the more you have, the less you deserve it. If you make a Billion dollars a year, that means a thousand people could make a million dollars a year. You COULD make 1000 millionares... and I know that probably isn't achievable, but the point gets across.
My ethics are of a high standard. I value giving people stuff for free, and then asking for compensation. I value supporting everyone and hogging nothing. I believe that if what you have isn't selling well enough - and your qualified prospects are there - then the answer is NOT in conversion - it's in the quality or type of your product. Do the work and be a value giver and you will go far and be happy - do the opposite and you'll have a bad reputation (whether it follows you or not) and you'll drive yourself down the road of unhappiness.
I hate it when people sell you on their book, and then the content is crap. I would never give someone crap, not even for free.
The reason I chose to "make it" was simply because of how incredibly fucking lucky I am. I'm a white guy, 20 years old, living a very happy life with my parents in southern California on a beach, sexy, smart, and with nothing but college looking me in the face for the next 5 years. I had to take advantage of this situation. I just wish that I could give back to others - so they can at least have some of the things I had. When I look at sean stevenson, I feel like the self-help industry does good work of that.
But I'm going to have to get successful before I can give back in the magnitude I want to... so, here I go...