Mar 19, 2013

I Fail as a Best Buy Leader

1 year ago when I knew I had to get a job, and thought of flipping burgers for the next few years, I couldn't have dreamed of not only working at Best Buy, let alone one of the Best of the Best Buys.

I am failing as a leader.  I am not training my home theater associates.  I am not respecting my great victory.  It is the failure of success, not the success of failure, that grasps me now.

This job is a dream job for me 1 year ago.

I should be paying it forward and making this Best Buy better.

It's not the ultimate job.  And I didn't seek one.  I don't want a career.  I want to succeed as an Entrepreneur.

But since I have to pay my way to that, and I don't want a job that takes more than 40 hours a week or one that pays too much to keep me on my true path, I am luckier than I could have ever dreamed to be working at the best of Best Buys.

Since I have to work 40 hours a week, I should be using this time to pay it forward.  To prove my respect.  To give to those who have given so much to me.

I will see the numbers of my associates rise.  I will take on the roll of supervisor without being a supervisor or ever wanting to be one.  Secretly, I will have no ambitions, even if I show them.  But I will work harder to make this Best Buy the most successful, happiest place possible, and I will make it my goal to get the team earning our bonus every month.

The time to rise has come.


Update: yeah, that never really worked out.  I think it shows in the article -- either you have ambitions or you don't.  If you don't, secreting the fact doesn't change the fact that deep down, you don't care.  I wasn't really fit for the roll... plus that place drains your soul.

Just wasn't into the whole "We expect you to be the best salesman ever; without the commission, on shit pay, and constantly having to deal with terrible customers, and while constantly fixing the whole store.  Oh, and you have to sell in car fi, too.  That's also your department.  Even tho selling there fucks your numbers and has nothing to do with home theater."

After having my job threatened, I left, went to cold call for LEAF Commercial Capital, and surprisingly, they pay me far better, it's a lot easier, and it's a really, really awesome work environment.  My mom has a theory -- "the less you get paid, the more they demand."  Seems valid so far.

Mar 17, 2013

String Theory: What if the # of Dimensions Were Unlimited?

"An intriguing feature of string theory is that it predicts extra dimensions. In classical string theory the number of dimensions is not fixed by any consistency criterion. However, to make a consistent quantum theory, string theory is required to live in a spacetime of the so-called "critical dimension": we must have 26 spacetime dimensions for the bosonic string and 10 for the superstring. " --Wikipedia

Seeing as theorists don't know and can't agree on the number of dimensions, could it be that there's unlimited dimensions?

If there were infinite dimensions, that'd certainly make things easier to work with, would it not?  Instead of saying one theory contradicts another, many of these theories would fit into different layers of the greater science.

I'm not a theorist, just a creative thinker, so I have no way of knowing if I'm on to anything, but this would certainly make things more practical.

Mar 16, 2013

What A Strange Night at Best Buy and Beyond...

I had one of my greatest sales at Best Buy ($2,400 with Total Assurance Gold [max protection and services], good attachments, sound room excellence, consultation signup, and credit app signup.)  And also a chain of really shitty things that I oddly felt really good about.  Can't post the whole story here, its NSFW.  So I've got it set to "only I can read this" on Facebook here:

Mar 13, 2013

Roomster is missing two simple things from their advice...

Roomster quote:

"This member may now be a Roomster sucess story... and you can too!

Here are some tips to better your chances of making a connection:
1. Improve your profile, especially your essays. Add new details to your essays and be sure to give specific examples. such as "I need a roommate because I just moved to town and I want to meet new people."

2. Personalize your emails. This makes a much better impression. Explain why you thought that person would make a great roommate and you’re way more than likely to get a positive response.

3. Send interests to anyone you think would be a good match. We suggest searching daily for new members & Hot Listing your favorites."


What it's missing:

'4. Mass advertise like a %#$@&^% madman and sell everyone non-stop several hours a day.

5. Craigslist pwns our website.'