Oct 25, 2015

Capitalism and Socialism Go Hand in Hand

It's wrong to be against or for either one.

I've long looked at capitalism as not a political stance, but a pure characteristic of nature -- people will always trade.

And for some reason, I didn't see Socialism the same way.  It is a pure characteristic of nature -- people will always look out for eachother.

If you aren't selfish enough to take care of yourself, you won't be fit to care well for others.  Happiness leads to selflessness.

If you aren't selfless enough to take care of others, you won't be taken care of.  Selflessness leads to happiness.

These go together.

Drive profit.  Make a good deal.  Make people pay you well and they will value their money well spent and they will see that their investment goes to good use.

At the same time, don't let the profiteers destroy the planet.  Don't stand for a con.  Watch out for people and people will watch out for you.

They go hand in hand.

The confusion is where they conflict.  There's issues in the grey zone where lines need to be drawn and decisions made.  But it should never be one over the other.  A win win solution is always going to be the best one in the long term.

It's time to stop casting a blankets over this issue.  Let the bias go.  Explore each issue, be indifferent, and lay back until you understand the whole issue and all the sides.

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