You can't die too many times in a row... you'll end up with only trash gear left.
So anyways, me and my gay partner Dave just had an awesome pvp sesh.
Above: Dave and myself in Monkfield 40 minutes before server maintenance.
We took out a few mahirim and picked up a ton of scale armor and shit before getting chased out of the mahirim lands by a vet. He killed my friend and still managed to chase me down somehow, getting my horse to a sliver of health even by shooting arrows over a fuckin' hill without LOS and hitting me 3/4 times at super far range.
But I slipped away. He let me know he was eagerly awaiting my return to gank more noobs... so me and Davius hightailed it over to human lands.
First we pulled some ninja shit on a guy farming the mercian guild masters, sneaking up to practically melee range before popping out and owning his ass. Naturally, thousands of gold and scale/banded armor was looted.
I tell Dave (who's blue) to go to the local wildness bank, which has a tower, and bank our shit. I remain behind to go over to the local hamlet and see if there's any action there.
Well the guy we killed lived in the nearby hamlet (Charlies Angels) and came running back, meeting me half way, naked with another rank 40 bow and a rank 20 2h sword, and while yeah, he must have been nub, he still hit through my armor really hard and had some fantastic stats... he killed my horse and we duked it out in a awesome fight. He was better than me at archery, but sucked shit at melee, so I'd jump at him, whirlwind, wack his sorry frantic ass a few times, and then jump back and make him think we were going archery again just long enough to get whirlwind back. I repeated this 3 times and he couldn't touch me.
Mind you, I was low on rank 40 bows and don't have anyone who can give me a stockpile or anything so I rely on PvP to get that stuff. So it was nice getting two new bows... but before the night was over I'd have about 10 fresh new rank 40s.
We went over to Monkfield and took an SG who was afk mining down to one hit before she got to tower range. The best part about this, really, is that she taught me how to dodge -- you don't just strafe, you literally jerk your mouse and run in the direction you'd normally strafe in. The effect is twice the dodginess without the loss of speed that comes with strafing... making it much, much easier to get away. This maneuver ends up saving my ass before this story ends.
Without much luck in Monkfeild, and with only 40 minutes left 'till server down (nightly maintenance is from 4-5am), we trekked it south to the hivekin queen / mercian spawns looking for some action. Finding no action, and with little time left, we decide to take a shot at someone in NEW's Hammerdale before calling it a night.
Man... did we find the biggest moron in Hammerdale. We see a NEW Captain farming the farm with some plate on, so with 5 minutes left, we banked all the gear that we didnt want to die with on us and set our weapons to up / down stance. We get behind the guy, who's now just standing there AFK, and coordinate our motions to strike him down from behind as fast as possible...
I don't even think he had time to alt-tab back into the game. We looted 2 plate chestpieces, lots of scale shit, a few bone armor pieces, many dozens of herbs and mats, and I score big (at least, big to me, seeing as I'm desperate for bows)... the guy has around 8 rank 40 bows on him. We loot all this as 2 other NEW recruits wack us, following us to the bank, where we bank everything (Idiots should have just looted him).
Davius doesn't quite make it out alive and I'm being chased to the city wall, using my newly learned dodging techniques to stay alive. I run up the ramp to the top of the wall and pull one of the SICKEST fake outs I think I'll ever pull. The part of the wall I ran up kind of sticks out from the rest of the wall and has a dark overhang you can kind of hide in pretty well, and even though this guy is only about 25 feet behind me, I jump off the wall as if I'm leaving the city only to strafe a little and land inside the overhang. He runs around for the last two minutes before server down wondering how the fuck I vanished on the other side of the wall as I try to contain my excitement over vent.
And now when I log in, the bank... and gankable noobs... are readily available for me. Right in the heart of the most populated, noobiest land there is... which spells p-e-r-f-e-c-t p-l-a-c-e-m-e-n-t for a red newfuck like myself.
I freakin' love this game... and I don't see any reason to do the grind with only about 10 hours a week to spent on darkfall and fun like this available on friday night.
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