Jun 15, 2010

The Fundamental of Landmark -- Biological Machine

For the record, this landmark stuff can serve you really well. I'm about to discuss how I'm a "biological machine". You might be thinking "No... you're HUMAN." I ask you, what is a human being, really? If you made a robot out of stem cells and started it up using a replicated human brain, would it not resemble a newly created human being? What if you were in control of it's emotions?

Let's say this artificial human then became passionate about doing something, but wasn't able to get passed some of it's emotional hangups (for example, it just won't stop playing Halo). If you had the ability to make it stop liking halo for a short time and start liking work more, wouldn't that be good for that artificial human's life? ...Aren't there times you wish you had that kind of control over yourself?

Landmark training gives you greater control over being able to tweak yourself in ways that help you do big things for yourself. The training is fundamentally okay. It's their training process at large... one that is largely based on Scientology's... that has some corrupt nature to it. It's "tainted" as my dad would say. But you CAN, as a matter of fact, throw out parts of landmark and things they say ENTIRELY and still get all the right stuff. They'll tell you you can't, which is fucked up cuz it's not true.

What is true is when they say you can't get the "full experience"... and IMO, there's a little too much thought reform going on... you don't want the "full experience"... trust me. Don't share landmark with everyone like they tell you... cuz, it's for YOU, NOT for everyone else. You should reject all notions of trying to change other people. It is an ineffective method of achieving the end results you really wanted all along. (Having others around you into what you're into is ALWAYS a huge plus, people close to you have a GIANT effect on the way you think, and landmark makes it seem like you NEED that plus when I swear to you, you absolutely don't. It's a bonus, NOT a requirement.)


I didn't get this the first time I saw it, but after:

-Understanding the process of breaking someone down and building them back up (thought reform)

-Training myself to "come off it" (to essentially hit the "reboot" system on my mind when it's not serving me well),

-Generally expanding my own "lore" (not jargon, "understanding" just isn't deep enough here) on how I really function as a biological machine, and what I really am (logistically speaking) as a human being.

...Now I really get how this video sums up landmark quite well. It also sums up thought reform really well. And that's sort of the point -- one ought to have the power to reform their thoughts to achieve their goals. That's the fundamental of landmark.

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