Jan 11, 2014

Starting MC Server VS. Joining Factions

So, I'm getting back to that point where I'm running out of good things to do in my free time...

And now that I'm making more money and I could use a new project, I've been playing with the idea of starting my own minecraft server to recreate my own version of that old Jadon server.

I love the concept of a 1000x1000 server where x-ray / maphacks are allowed (but obviously other hacks like invisibility, speed, flight, etc, aren't), and you can build wherever you want, but you can only have your place protected if it meets the size requirements and entrance requirements (basically would mean if you accidently leave your door open or something they can get at your chests, you're never 100% safe from your own foolishness or the sneakiness of a really good rogue.)

And with such a small map you'd run into pvp all over.

The following is what I saved to my remembers file once I found out about how easy it might be...

"Own your own minecraft server for $10 - 50 / mo. 8 - 72 players.

Make a 1000x1000 world!


On the other hand, this is just a dream and the real work behind it would probably never be worth the effort.  I don't play minecraft enough for that, nor do I smoke enough weed.  So to be realistic, it's time to explore something new... and that new thing is the pvp mod that has taken over the minecraft community... FACTIONS.



So what I plan on doing is:

Find a faction server with a reasonably sized map (5,000 - 10,000), live online HTML map if possible, NON-MMO mod, with high population, and then I want to use the guide above to succeed by building my 1-chunk faction base nearby other high-value-target factions.  And of course, my base may be more mobile than most.

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