Feb 21, 2013

Most Epic Snowboarding of 2012 - 2013 Season So Far...

This Wednesday night I went night-skiing at Mt. High and, while I may have had more fun last time, or maybe even on the first of my 4 trips so far this season, this night was definitely the most epic of the season so far.

Copied from Facebook...

"Tonight's snowboarding highlights:

Favorite moment: Retardedly doing butters/360s on a flat, hard area with a lot of bumps, inevidibly hitting a bump and falling backward onto my back so hard it bounced me back up, flipped me 360, and slammed me back down on my back.

Most hilarious moment: Mistakenly rushing the lift line thinking I was pairing up with 3 people onto the lift chair, but they actually had 4, making me the 5th wheel, so I had to dodge the chair which I was proud of until I saw the next chair coming, getting hit by it, and then ducking under it and getting back in line as 20 people watched in frustration as I made them all wait for 2 blank chairs to pass.

Proud moments: Really starting to master my grabs on the 5 footer jumps, working on my 180 grabs off random snow bumps, and getting up the nerve at the end to go "too fast" (which still wasn't fast enough) and barely clearing the 15 - 20 footer jumps.

Most serine moment: smoking a cigar watching the sunset on top of the mountain.

3 more runs to go this season. I gotta start restricting myself to 4 drinks before starting my runs, 6 is really a little too much, makes it hard to focus."

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