Sep 19, 2009

T.V. Rapidly Goes On-line with the Start of the Fall 2009 Season...

TV is finally going online... rapidly... which reflects
a larger shift in entertainment shifting to on demand /
on the internet.

It's now the start of the 2009 season and is
picking up Disney and ABC as well as other various
networks' shows, looks like it may be doubling or
tripling in size with the new season.

Just was looking for a show called "Shark Tank" on
youtube... and was shocked to see it's already on!

Current downside: TV is still 99% dominant, with all
the shows mainly airing there, and most shows will
only air the 5 most recent episodes on Hulu due to
studio restrictions.

But, seeing all the hot new shows like Fringe and
Glee on Hulu, it's very exciting to know that my
"passive entertainment" (e.g. watching a screen) is
now going on demand!

It's an evil plot to take over world. Check it out:


Sep 8, 2009

I officially support pirating

Okay, so I'm not saying go pirate stuff, don't ban my blog Google!

But seriously, when is TV going to move online?

It helps shows get discovered and make money long after they've died (by being rediscovered on ADVERTISING friendly mediums), it gives the consumers what they want, everyone wins.

The shift is coming. My fear is that it will take another decade, which would just be INSANE with all the demand out there, for example, right now, Ice Age 2 is being uploaded by OVER 100,000 people. That means something between 500,000 - 5,000,000 people are going to pirate that movie illegally, which means somewhere in the ballpark of $1,000,000 lost in potential advertising. And that's just torrenting.

Oh yeah... this shit IS coming down... I'm glad I just added that up ;-)

And to help speed it along, I'm going to start showing people who say they've bought ANY DvDs how to pirate online virus free, and I'll encourage them, talking about how they're helping the world. Because they are... if they want on demand, free entertainment sooner rather than later (it is not a matter of if, but when.)

So that's it. Not only will I continue to steal that which the studios are too stupid to make available to me, I'm actually going to encourage others to do the same and to show their friends, too. Seriously, I've had enough. Just look at You can watch full shows, whenever you want, and for that, they only ask you watch some advertising. No problem. I'd be happy to. Why not just do it for everything, already?

TV is running out of air.