Apr 29, 2018

3 Years & 3 Tiers of Techno (on Spotify)

Lowest Level: "Technomedia Legacy" - basically, it made my favorites temporarily at one point.

17.5 hours | 266 songs

Middle Tier: "Tech Legacy Round 2 Picks" - these songs made it 6 months - 1 year + on my favorites or were picked up for a second round of favorites, even after they got old and tired.  Or they're just so epic they're just clear winners.

4.5 hours | 66 songs

Requirement: Must also be on Technomedia Legacy

Highest Tier: "Techno All Time Favorites" - these songs are timeless, I've heard them for years and they'll always be favorites, no matter how tired of them I get.

1.5 hours | 19 Songs

Requirement: Must be on Tech Round 2 Picks prior to consideration.