Feb 24, 2013

Video Reveals How All Movie Trailers Work... and...

The Most Unique (& Humerous) Comments-Section-Meme I've Ever Discovered on Youtube

So EVERY line in the video goes something like "This line shows how sensitive the harden protagonist really is".  That kinda thing.  Which is pretty epic because of how incredibly true and insightful it all is.  But what I really appreciate is how the youtube commenters took the ball and ran with it:

Comment added by spambot advertising dating website by appearing to be ditzy cute barely legal teenage girl.

Seemingly approving/excited co\mment on said link - from the same poster replying to his own virus trap link as a ploy.

Comment stating that I am a new vlogger, and would you please check out my channel, even though it has nothing to do with this video.

cictec 3 weeks ago
Comment smugly trying to out-meta all the other self-referential comments.


Comment by random troll that states unrelated, misspelled racism and bigotry in a meager attempt to evoke a raging emotional response from idiotic newcomers to youtube.

And although this comment doesn't follow that theme, it's the perfect roll-play-type response to this video: 
the book was better

Feb 22, 2013

Making a hard call and MY NEW FINANCIAL PLAN

So I made a pretty hard call today that I've been contemplating for a while now.

I'm going to move into the room my dad built in the living room of my apartment and rent out my current room.

It's a big sacrifice.  Here's some of the negatives:

  • Three room-mates, 1 bathroom.  Morning shower times will have to be reserved now to ensure I'm never late to work, will also be less convient -- more times I want to go and can't, more rushed bathroom environment, and more smells and maintenance to deal with.
  • Giving up sound-resistant walls.  I'll have to deal with room-mates walking through the apartment all night, every night.  Going to bed early will become a bigger challenge.  I'll be more tired more often.
  • A third room-mate means a third set of issues.  Unexpected guests, frequently dirty kitchen, less cabinet and fridge space, faster filling dish washer, busier washer/drier, loud movies/music, more schedule conflicts, and more crowded space are just some of the issues that'll come up.
  • Possible drama and rules violations.  Keeping everything in order can require discipline and even eviction of a room-mate.  This can cause legal issues, monetary issues if I have to cover rent for a month or two unexpectedly, and can lead to an upset Tom (my current room-mate.)
  • Major limitations on inviting guests over.  Bryan or Steven coming into town?  Unfortunately, I cannot let you stay here, unless I can get my room-mates to approve you sleeping on the couch for a night or two... and only if it's JUST you.  My living situation is a lot like Dave's situation in his garage.
But it's worth it's weight.  Here's the positives:
  • Tom's snoring will no longer be bothering the neighbors.
  • More people means a more lively environment.
  • It's that much harder to have a girlfriend, allowing me to stay true to my no-dating commitment.
    ...but what it really comes down to...
---> An extra $475 per month.  Right now, if I'm lucky and I don't have to pay AAA, the DMV, or other unexpected BS charges, I'm ahead about $100 - $300 a month, depending on what kind of food I buy, if I buy weed, and if I go snowboarding.  Today, I couldn't work because I was worried sick thinking about paying AAA and renewing car insurance and paying for snowboarding.  I can't have all 3, putting me in the red.  And the reason that's so essential is that it makes me truly living within my means and FINALLY AHEAD.  Here's the issues it solves:
  • Clear, clean focus on goals.  Main worries will be gone, won't be able to smoke weed in the new room putting the days, weeks, and months of mindlessly sitting at the computer with a bong at my side long behind me (and not to return until my business is successful enough for me to get a room again), and living in a small, cramped room that I can't bring girls home to will significantly motivate me to make money online without the stress of living outside my means.
  • Advertising money for business.  This is a huge win for my future, and one of the things that makes this move essential for my business' well-being.
  • Paying off credit (to finally begin building credit score) and paying off late rent fees.  This will clear a lot of the junk worries that consume me and make it hard to focus on work.
  • More luxury.  I'll be able to start eating healthy (getting 2000+ calories per day), save up for a snowboarding trip to mammoth in 2014, and afford to upgrade my computer when necessary (not to mention buying the occasional game and being able to play online with my friends.)
--> I just need to remember to be careful.  Blowing the extra money is a good way to stay behind.  It's VERY IMPORTANT that I split up the $475 as soon as I get it into several different accounts:
  1. 10% into FINANCIAL FREEDOM.  This is ONLY for buying passive income streams and investing.  I need a NEW BANK ACCOUNT for this, preferable bank #2 in SAVINGS account.
  2. 10% into PLAY.  SoMM explains that we are holistic in nature, so if we only save we end up getting flustered and sabotaging our results, and if we only spend we feel guilt and sabotage our play.  This is for extravagant play and MUST be spent every month.  This goes in my cash storage location, NOT a bank account, since it's a specific amount I need to spend every month.
  3. 20% into BUSINESS.  This is for advertising and growing my business.  I need a NEW BANK ACCOUNT for this, preferable bank #2 in CHECKING account.
  4. 20% into LONG TERM SAVINGS FOR SPENDING.  This is for my trip to mammoth, gifts, computer upgrades, etc.  This goes in my Wells Fargo Savings account.
  5. 40% into NECESSITIES.  This is the extra money I get per month to eat better than I do now, pay off credit and catch up on late rent fees.  After all that, feel free to save some of it to help with mammoth / business, but MOST if not all of it should be going towards food, gas, bills, etc.  This goes in my Wells Fargo Checking account.
If I can simply keep discipline to dividing up the extra $475 / month this way, that'll mean the extra $5,700 per year gets split up like so:
  1. $570 at the end of the year for buying profitable websites and making solid investments with, producing passive income streams to ensure financial freedom and never-ending progression of income sources and riches.
  2. $47.50 per month to spend on reckless things like getting my snowboard waxed, going to a fancy restaurant, getting drunk in a bar, having 2 weed brownies within 2 - 3 hours of each other 2 days in a row, etc.
  3. $1,140 per year to spend on new advertising tests, business expansion, etc.  For instance, if at the end of the year I have $500 left over and nothing to do with it, why not try out paying a "web marketer" to run a small campaign after he proves he can grow my business.
  4. $1,140 at the end of the year for my trip to mammoth EVEN IF I DON'T EARN ANY EXTRA MONEY WITH MY BUSINESS ALL YEAR (and I will.  And it'll be AT LEAST enough to push a $2,000 trip to mammoth, just based on the $1500 my business earned in 2012 alone.)
  5. $190 per month extra to help with paying all the bills, dealing with disasters, etc.  With the gas savings per month, this is enough to get a brand new car... which is pretty much the biggest disaster scenario I'd be facing.  In case of a real disaster (like losing my job or having to cover 100% of rent for a couple of months), I'll have credit paid off, late rent fees gone, and savings accounts to pull from.
 ...So the positives outweigh the negatives.  I'll probably get less sleep, live in a small, cramped space, and deal with quite a bit more inconvenience, but I'll be able to focus on my business, have good security, go to mammoth, live well within my means, and be building inevitable financial freedom, whether my business succeeds or not.  I finally get true control over my world.  That's a huge come-up.

Feb 21, 2013

Most Epic Snowboarding of 2012 - 2013 Season So Far...

This Wednesday night I went night-skiing at Mt. High and, while I may have had more fun last time, or maybe even on the first of my 4 trips so far this season, this night was definitely the most epic of the season so far.

Copied from Facebook...

"Tonight's snowboarding highlights:

Favorite moment: Retardedly doing butters/360s on a flat, hard area with a lot of bumps, inevidibly hitting a bump and falling backward onto my back so hard it bounced me back up, flipped me 360, and slammed me back down on my back.

Most hilarious moment: Mistakenly rushing the lift line thinking I was pairing up with 3 people onto the lift chair, but they actually had 4, making me the 5th wheel, so I had to dodge the chair which I was proud of until I saw the next chair coming, getting hit by it, and then ducking under it and getting back in line as 20 people watched in frustration as I made them all wait for 2 blank chairs to pass.

Proud moments: Really starting to master my grabs on the 5 footer jumps, working on my 180 grabs off random snow bumps, and getting up the nerve at the end to go "too fast" (which still wasn't fast enough) and barely clearing the 15 - 20 footer jumps.

Most serine moment: smoking a cigar watching the sunset on top of the mountain.

3 more runs to go this season. I gotta start restricting myself to 4 drinks before starting my runs, 6 is really a little too much, makes it hard to focus."

Feb 17, 2013

Falling Skies Gets More Retarded / Stupid with Every Episode

(new update at the bottom  -- I made it!)

So I'm a little over half way through the first season of Falling Skies, and I find myself seriously doubting if I'll make it to season 2 without deleting everything and swearing off the show for life.

I LOVE shows that focus on realism -- how we'd behave in any given situation -- ... and post-apocalyptic scenarios.

So I was very excited when I started watching Falling Skies.

Then I started getting deterred when people started screaming at their dog / kid / etc. when they we're SUPPOSED to be sneaking up on the enemy.   NO ONE is that stupid.  Even the dumbest person on earth, who is madly in love with their kid, wouldn't yell out "HEY SON OVER HERE" when sneaking up on the enemy in an attempt to rescue their kid.  There is no IQ point low enough to account for that kind of stupidity.

Anyways, I'm on Season 1, episode 7 at the moment, and the main characters just overtook the corrupt characters that were trading kids for security from the aliens.

First, let me say that plot point is semi-retarded... they reason it out with, "Hey we were being hunted down like dogs and the only break we got was when they took a kid and stopped chasing us, so we figured it was worth it to trade kids for safety if that's all they wanted."  (paraphrasing.)  Yeah, that's how normal people think -- "Hey all they want is the kids that's worth trading them in for."

NO.  In reality, if you trade in a little kids life to save your own, you want to kill yourself.  OR YOU AT LEAST FEEL BAD ABOUT IT.  WHY DON'T THEY APPEAR TO FEEL EVEN REMOTELY BAD ABOUT IT!!!!??  As if they are doing a noble but looked-down-upon deed.  WTF.

Okay, okay, ANYWAYS... getting back to the point... (I'm starting to think this show is even more retarded than I realized when I started writing this post)... there was a scene that was particularly bad that I came here to write about.

I'm talking about the scene where the antagonist walks into an ambush after capturing the kids and surrenders... which is only logical, ANYONE would surrender when they had a dozen guns pointed at their head... but then 5 seconds later decides to pull out a concealed gun.

Think about this for a second before I explain what is even dumber about this scene.

After he pulls out his gun... what do you think he did?

If I hadn't seen the episode, I'd say, "He probably started firing and jumped for cover!"

Alas... this isn't so.  What he did do, is pull out his gun and as he did so, start negotiating as if he was bringing a gun to a knife fight and the opponent had no choice but yield.

He was shot dead by the 5th second.

I could not have wrote a more retarded scene if I tried.  And this is probably the 5th retarded thing that had happened in 7 episodes of a show that's seemingly real, hardcore, and post-apocalyptic.

I seriously doubt I'll make it to season 2... but somehow, I'm going to keep giving it a chance.  Things like this make me wish I still smoked weed and I could mindlessly enjoy shows without having to think so much all the time.


So I made it to season 3 somehow and the show gets WAY better, and the dumb stuff seems to come up less and less as the writers begin to learn the complexities of doing their job. Very happy with where it ended in season 3, big turn around in my book, excited about season 4

Truly, ENDLESS, entertainment (But ONLY if you enjoy stories)

If you enjoy stories, then I have a source of ENDLESS ENTERTAINMENT for you.

It's called... HISTORY.

Stop laughing.  I'm dead serious.  Why am I right?  Cuz I was watching Spartacus and Caesar was introduced and I was like, "wtf does Caesar has to do with Spartacus", and then I read the history of Gaius Julius Caesar on wikipedia and it was one of the most awesome ways to spend a weekend ever.

I was liek 0.o

This dude basically went from royal family to NOTHING to military leader to defeater of Pompey and leader of the free world.  Jesus F Christ.

History, brother.  You can find unlimited amounts of epic history within it.  This is why I've always loved wikipedia, and why I look down upon the alpha males that think sports and rap music rule the world.  Of course, it was an alpha male that conquered the world, so what do I know.

Feb 4, 2013


Just a sketch list of current shows I'm checking out / trying to get into...


Youtube full comedy specials: jim jeffries - alchoholocaust, dane cook - isolated incident...

From Josh:
-Black Sail -- pirates show, sounds awesome
-New three musketeers show

From an article I was reading:
"Anyway, these are the other shows that I enjoyed the most in 2013: “The Good Wife,” “Please Like Me,” “Orange Is the New Black,” “Bob’s Burgers,” “Top of the Lake,” “Behind the Candelabra,” “Girls,” “Scandal,” “Mad Men,” “30 Rock” (did that end this year?), “The Middle,” “Raising Hope,” “Eastbound & Down,” “Veep,” “Orphan Black,” “Always Sunny In Philadelphia,” “Key & Peele,” “Parks and Recreation,” “Inside Amy Schumer,” “The Fosters,” “Children’s Hospital,” “Game of Thrones,” “Switched at Birth,” “Breaking Bad,” “American Horror Story,” “Treme,” “The Americans,” “Call the Midwife,” “Parenthood,” “The Returned,” “Broadchurch,” “The Fall,” and “Masters of Sex.”* They are not in any order, because that would be insane. (“Breaking Bad” versus “Behind the Candelabra.” Meth versus rhinestone. Two different forms of mano a mano.) Some of these shows are better than others, but so what? They’re all good."

^of the above I'm looking more seriously at...

The Returned (zombie drama), 
Behind the Candelabra (starring Matt Damon), 
Top of the Lake, and 
Eastbound and Down (Danny McBride).

Dumbbells (saw on hulu looks funny), 

KLONDIKE - Gold rush show on History, similar to Vikings in it being a real show, not a history channel show.

----The rest of 2013----

AMC -> The Killing

Season 4 walking dead

DaVinci's Demons

Hell on Wheels

Leverage -- voted best show of the year by people's award, season 1 held #1 tuesday night show, sounds too good not to check into.

Supernatural -- watched a few episodes of season 3 since last time, that show definitely got a lot better since seasons 1 and 2.


These are maybes / wait-listed:

The Americans -- do I wanna give it another shot?  Never disliked it, not sure why it didn't hook me... oh yeah... maybe because it's about cold war spies... in the fucking 80s.  I know the cold war hadn't ended but I'm not entirely sure why they didn't just do it for the 50s / 60s when the tension was really there.

Vikings, whenever that airs again.

------2012/early 2013----------------

Hannibal -- premiers April on NBC... first chapter of Dr. Lecter

The Americans -- http://www.hulu.com/watch/451850

Falling Skies

Breaking Bad

Walking Dead

White Collar


Justified?  (supposed to be good, i think wild west law and order theme?)

Vikings... History channel special premiering in March, 2013.

Bones?  See if it's good?

South Park / Family Guy

Supernatural season 3 downloaded already

Big Bang Theory Season 6

Two and a Half Men?

Its always sunny in philadelphia

Parks and Recreation

THIS SHOW CAN BURN IN HELL (and I'm saying that after only watching 8 minutes!) --> Defiance... premiers April 15th... check out this show, looks really interesting... post-apocalyptic far-off-future earth with multiple alien races living on it mindfuck.  Would probably go awesomely with weed.