Oct 20, 2008

Important Statement of the Integrety, Congruence, and Progression in the field of Science of Thoughts

The Difference between self help / science of thoughts and PSYCHOLOGY is in how they approach the same variables. IT'S A FRAME OF MIND.

This is why Scientology rejects psychology, and also explains why I dislike psychology so much - because I'm all about SELF help (he explains the concept of it being focused on self in the beginning and throughout.)

Scientology has made some major advances in a whole array of fields, but unfortunately, L. Ron was a foolish fiction writer and told everyone he spoke the truth. I don't even believe in truth. It's a relative ideal. Everything I progress on is just that - progress, distinctions usable as tools with real science, like statistics & proven psychology, that backs up the research.

So Scientology failed harshly thanks to L. Ron basically fucking with a bunch of people because it made him happy. Let it be said that everything in science of thought is accepted by at least 95% of all professionals in psychology and other brain sciences as proven science.

So what's important now is to use the tools of Scientology, stripping them from their context and reforming them in science of thoughts.


And dig into hypnosis, meditation, buddism

And Landmark & Neoscience

And everything & anything else, which can only be done in a way that gets the ball rolling in a way that makes it stuck to that exact context.

Last 100 seconds of video

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