Mar 7, 2009

What I don't want my show to be like


It sounds kind of like an sxephil rip and fails to answer "why do i care about your show?"

Instead, consider doing what sxephil, ApprenticeA, and MysteryGuitarMan all did: Make shows less frequently, but amazingly to get 5 star ratings and lots of subscribers up front. Then more people will be open to the concept of a show but still... I have a feeling there's two continuums to be revealed... the fact that a great show will always do way better through the course of time (like dear archilles) and the fact that when you're as big as sxephil it really just doesn't matter so much any more.

And of course, the most important fact of them all is your keywords and how much they sound like the kind of headlines that top rank at (thx you john reeses)

insomnia search:

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