May 1, 2009

Unhappy With Obama (title changed)

I'm thinking about making this into a video and submitting it to Anonymous and other places while getting it's views up on youtube as a little side project. (Note: I will NOT be doing this due to how Obama has been treating others who do this. I don't want it on my permanent record.)

My problems with Obama...

He's flushing our country down the toilet.

Trillions put into the economy INCORRECTLY

CONTROLLING THE MEDIA / His Image to keep his approval rating above 60% despite everything I'm about to point out...


Letting terrorists get unfair US trials.


Re-distributing bankrupted company wealth to the poor, STEALING Crystler's shares from those who owned them, recklessly breaking the law to give to the union and retired employees.

Breaking Many Laws and DECREEing "it's the right move"... when clearly, government fails at capitalism and it's NOT THE RIGHT MOVE.

Bailing out companies that end up going bankrupt.

Heading us towards bankruptcy while declaring that we're "heading out of it" EVEN THOUGH 1000 ECONOMISTS PUT TOGETHER A PETITION SAYING THAT WE ARE NOT...

AND HE COMPLETELY IGNORED IT = He's surrounded by politicians and serves their agenda without even considering what the nature of the situation is.

Pushing over all opposition, all "other ideas", DECREEING the way it is because he's the president so gosh darn it that means he's right.

Completely ignoring and belittling the Republicans despite claiming previously that he wanted to bring the parties together.

Giving loads of money to the poor... when it's obvious to any economist that this is bad for the economy.

Passing liberal bills that would have never passed in a checks and balances system.

Giving bailouts to all the companies that his cabinet is connected to.

Destroying the country I love in less than a 100 days...

So honestly, if you ask me how I feel... this is going to be REALLY HARSH... Obama is a Dictator and the US system of Checks and Balances is being systematically taken over.

You can't play boy king in the most powerful position in the world and expect nothing to happen. It's time someone spoke up and got on his case.


JCMO said...

So should I make the video? I would probably be filming tonight along with other things I need to shoot.

JCMO said...

NOT MAKING THE VIDEO. The end of this blog post... even talking out about Obama... is DANGEROUS and I won't risk having something on my record by homeland security.